Month: May 2016

All Is Fair in Bro Love and #CivilWar: A Haiku Collection [SPOILERS]

All Is Fair in Bro Love and #CivilWar: A Haiku Collection [SPOILERS]

It’s a Civil War! Someone please remind them that they used to be friends! Tony feels guilty, after meeting Queen Alfre. Can you blame the guy? Scarlet Witch can’t help that sometimes her powers buck. She deserves better. Steve, oh my goodness. That’s not the […]

You are terrifying and strange and beautiful…Magic.

You are terrifying and strange and beautiful…Magic.

Much has been said about Lemonade over the past week. Even more has been written, both on social media and almost every major media outlet. I have my feelings about Lemonade, most of which vacillate between the barely coherent ramblings of a person in full […]