Tag: Featured

A Brand New Site?! Why, YES!

A Brand New Site?! Why, YES!

Hello, friends! We’re thrilled to premiere our new, sleeker blog! We want to grow along with our audience and one of the first steps in doing that, we feel, is giving our website the much-needed update it deserves. Hopefully you’ll find it easier to navigate […]

Predominately White TV Writers Rooms: You Are Profoundly Ill-Equipped to “Tackle Black Lives Matter.”

Predominately White TV Writers Rooms: You Are Profoundly Ill-Equipped to “Tackle Black Lives Matter.”

2016 was the year that I rage quit Orange is the New Black and Unreal. It was a difficult break. I had reserved special corners of my heart for both dramas, and to lose them within such a short span left vacancies that echoed every […]