ANNOUNCING: The Guest Nerd Contributor Program

When we first created Nerds of Prey, we had a lot of discussions regarding how best to use our humble platform.
None of us had led a podcast before, and we weren’t exactly sure how to produce one. We did, however, know that we wanted to build something that centered our unique, mostly unfiltered voices. While we may not always be welcome in mainstream spaces, we were going to take advantage of the major pros that come with declaring space for yourself, which includes creating opportunities to talk about what matters to you, in your own words. Our podcast allows us to speak freely and unapologetically.
Before we became podcasters, we were writers. We understood that we needed a website to communicate the matters that we didn’t have time to discuss on the show. We also knew that we wanted to use our space to uplift other voices while we had the chance.
With that in mind, we’re so thrilled to announce the Guest Nerd contributor program, an opportunity for other marginalized nerds to speak on the elements of nerd culture that matter most to them.
How It Works
During the first week of each month we’ll open our inbox to your pitches. Do you feel like writing about the state of Black hair in animation? Pitch it. Want to write about accessibility and modern-day arcades? Pitch it! Have a film-related point of analysis that you feel is consistently overlooked? We want to hear about it.
Send your pitches to [email protected]. Make sure to include no more than two paragraphs summarizing the nature of your piece. In addition, please include writing samples that best illustrate your style. Links and portfolios are great, but a sample – 500 words max – of an unpublished piece is also very acceptable. On the 7th of each month (11:59 PM PST), our inbox will close and we’ll review each received submission.
If chosen, we’ll happily publish your piece on our site (no more than 700 words). Note: while it may only be in the low double digits for now, we do pay for published pieces.
(By the way, we’d absolutely love to increase both the number of contributors our site could host as well as how much we could pay them. Consider becoming a patron today and helping make that a reality!)
Space and funds are extremely limited, so please send us your pitches as soon as you can! We hope that this new venture will not only allow us to highlight new writers each month, but also show our appreciation for fellow creators.
We can’t wait to work with you all! Now let us hear you. <3