Tag: Shannon

Nerds of Prey Reviews: The Greatest Showman

Nerds of Prey Reviews: The Greatest Showman

Musical theater, in any incarnation, has always had the difficult duty of walking a very fine tightrope. Leaning too liberally on the soundtrack can render a story bare. Conversely, failing to employ quality music can tank the effort entirely. The audience inherently trusts the production […]

Patreon and the Dream

Patreon and the Dream

As you may have already heard, we’ve officially launched our Patreon campaign! Yes, it may come seven months after our premiere, but trust us…this has been a long time coming. Once we felt confident enough that we were providing a voice and presence that people truly […]

All Is Fair in Bro Love and #CivilWar: A Haiku Collection [SPOILERS]

All Is Fair in Bro Love and #CivilWar: A Haiku Collection [SPOILERS]

It’s a Civil War! Someone please remind them that they used to be friends! Tony feels guilty, after meeting Queen Alfre. Can you blame the guy? Scarlet Witch can’t help that sometimes her powers buck. She deserves better. Steve, oh my goodness. That’s not the […]